01 May

Marvin, NC Communion Portrait Photographer | Tiny Tuesday – A Moment of Reflection

Marvin, NC Communion Portrait Photographer | Tiny Tuesday – A Moment of Reflection

This past weekend was my niece’s Communion Day and this was my absolute favorite image from the day. It was after the ceremony and we were in the lobby of the Church. I had brought her near the door to make some portraits using the window light when all of a sudden, I caught a glimpse of her bouquet in the marble wall.  I took a few steps back, and there she was – the beautiful reflection of my sweet niece.

I had a photographer’s moment of glee as I made these images. I truly felt like a kid in a candy store. It was just pure happiness for me to capture a sweet moment like this.

Special thanks to my beautiful niece for all her cooperation and modeling for the day. Many more images to share, but for today, just sharing my favorite.


Marvin, NC Communion Portrait Photographer shares A Moment of Reflection

2 thoughts on “Marvin, NC Communion Portrait Photographer | Tiny Tuesday – A Moment of Reflection

  1. Absolutely beautiful!
    Funny, one of my all time favorite photos is of a girl in her communion dress holding flowers 🙂

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