03 Jan

Charlotte, North Carolina Children’s Photographer | Tiny Tuesday – Surprise! It’s 2012!

Charlotte, North Carolina Children’s Photographer | Tiny Tuesday – Surprise! It’s 2012!

Wow!  Where did the last year?  Do you find yourself saying that every January 1st?  I know I do.  Usually around June, it seems like time is moving at a normal pace, but then in a blink, it’s December.  And now, January.

The past year was an amazing one for me, and I still have a ton of sessions to add to the blog.  I’m so thankful and grateful to everyone that supported me this past year and helped me fulfill my dream of being a full-time photographer.  I have so many wonderful people in my life, and this would not have been possible without them.  Thank You.

And now, it’s Tiny Tuesday!  I thought this image was a perfect start to Tiny Tuesday for 2012. I think it captures how I feel right now, but it is also one of my favorite images from this past year.

Charlotte, North Carolina Children's Photographer Carolyn Ann Ryan discusses the back story behind a portrait

This image wasn’t planned.  It wasn’t posed. It just happened.  And honestly, it wasn’t until the image was captured in the camera that I saw any resemblance to a previous movie poster or childhood actor.

So, how did this happen?  It was during a break in the session.  The family was changing clothes and getting ready to head to another location, and this young man was taking a snack break in the kitchen.  But he was sitting at the counter, and I saw some beautiful window light coming into the room.  I originally asked if he could move to the table, so I could get a better shot.  But, he was comfortable at the counter. OK.  That’s fine.

I adjusted my camera settings for the location he was sitting and asked if I could take his picture.  He shook his head, and covered his entire face with his hands.  OK.  That’s fine.  Technically, it was his snack break.

But I didn’t want to give up.  I loved the light.  I loved his eyes.  With kids, you have to be patient and let them lead the way, but still help guide them to the shot you want.  So, I got the camera ready, focused and held still . . . waiting. He wasn’t moving those hands.  He sat at the counter holding his hands over his face for a few minutes, and I waited, ready to capture a glimpse of his face.  I’m not sure who was more stubborn at that moment. But I was having fun with this challenge.

“OK.”, I said.  “I guess it’s time for me to give up.  I’ll just have to put the camera away and get ready to head to the park.”

He was curious, and slowly took a peek by pulling his hands straight down.  But my camera had not moved and I was focused and ready to make my image.  I had a split second before he realized that I was still sitting there with camera in hand, and I got the shot before he was able to put his hands back over his eyes.

OK, so I was a little sneaky that day.  {I’m still giggling about it}.  But when I looked at the back of the camera, I just laughed to myself.   It wasn’t planned, but it was a fun moment to capture.

Enjoy! And Happy New Year and wishing you a wonderful 2012!